Bike trip 2007: New Glarus

Lunch time. Everything is packed in black water proof bags.

Eastern Tent Caterpillars (Malacosoma americanum) on a Wild Cherry tree.

We had to lead the bikes up and down the hill because the road was under construction.

Our camp site in the state park close to New Glarus.

The path to New Glarus downtown.

Angel hair pasta and a rather untasty sauce were our dinner.



New Glarus, the Swiss village in America.

New Glarus Hotel.

We saw tons of American Goldfinches along the road.

Read the full story below:

We took a bike trip 40 miles one way to New Glarus Woods. We left at noon Saturday even though it was cloudy and windy, but we ended up with no rain. Thomas had some trouble with the bike Megan lent him--the back break got stuck on, and the tires were twice as thick as the road bike Megan was riding. So Thomas got maybe five times the workout Megan did. Thomas found some moth caterpillar tents along the way (tent worms in silk). One of the roads we were taking was shut, so we ended up pushing our bikes up a rocky dirt hill. The campground was nice--we made it by 6 pm or so--and a walk in site so there weren't cars around. There was just one other group there. We walked to New Glarus for an evening walk (there was a 1.5 mile path from the state park to the town).  New Glarus is a Swiss touristy village. At our campsite we ran into something with reflective eyes, or at least when you shined a flashlight at it they reflected. The next day we enjoyed pastries in New Glarus. We had a very challenging bike ride back with strong winds slowing us down and very steep hills. But we made it, despite the fact it was our first time on bikes this year, and Thomas decided to go to buy a new bike asap. Oh, and we ran into a raccoon on our bike ride home.

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